
Fragments, (triptych) | vinyl on glass | 100 x 75cm

Fragments, (triptych) | vinyl on glass | 100 x 75cm

Memories of Marvila, 85 x 60cm , Mirror, glass, vinyl 

The Vapours series is a mediation on the concept of the fragmented self, in which the  split between the internal sense of self and the external image seen, leads to a lifelong pursuit of a coherent identity. Using mirror photography as a basis for the photo-collage which is then printed and reworked on paper before being scanned and applied to glass and mirrors, the image which itself is spit into segments. It distorts the figure and continues to shift and change as the reflections within the image continue across the reflective surfaces of the mirror. The glass emphasises the ephemeral nature of the subject and allows the surroundings to become an active part of the work where the viewer’s own image becomes entangled with the works and entire surroundings. 

Memories of Marvila, 85 x 60cm , Mirror, glass, vinyl 

Midnight Muse, 60 x 80cm , Vinyl and acrylic on mirror

Fragmented selves, 45 x 60cm , Vinyl and acrylic on mirror

Miragem, 25 x 50cm, Acrylic, vinyl and aluminium


Carolina Herrera | Series | 2022